
Shitney + Lars Greve

Forsalg: Voksne: 100,- / Unge u. 30: 60,-
I døren: Voksne: 120,- / Unge u. 30: 80,-


Dannet i 2015 med det formål at skabe ny og kompromisløs musik på grænsen mellem det akustiske og det elektriske. I starten af 2017 udgav de deres debutalbum, ‘Earth Core’, på pladeselskabet ILK music efter at have arbejdet intenst i dybden med deres musik og udtryk samt turneret heftigt igennem to år. ’Earth Core’ består af eksperimentelle improvisationer med udgangspunkt i albummets titel: en imaginær udgravning af metaller og kemiske substanser, fysiske love og paradokser. Lydligt og musikalsk kender de tre medlemmer af Shitney hinanden nærmest ud og ind, da de har spillet sammen på kryds og tværs i forskellige konstellationer på den københavnske scene.

Shitney består af estiske Maria Faust på saxofon/effekter, danske Katrine Amsler på keys, mikroguitar og elektroniske trommer og svenske Qarin Wikström på vokal, keys og effekter - tre kvinder der alle bevæger sig på kanten af ​​musikalsk normalitet, på deres helt egen måde. Maria Faust er kendt for sine store ensemble-konstellationer Maria Faust Jazz Catastrophe og Maria Faust Sacrum Facere samt flere mindre improvisations-ensembler og har modtaget en række priser, blandt andet en Danish Music Award og en Estisk Jazz Award. Katrine Amsler, der ved siden af sit musiker-virke også arbejder som producer og lyddesigner, er kvinden bag det innovative band Television Pickup samt solo-projektet Tuba Dynamite. Qarin Wikström, er ligesom sine to fremadstormende band-medlemmer, engageret i en række improvisations-ensembler og komponerer desuden musik til og danser moderne dans.

Sammen skaber Faust, Amsler og Wikström et uforudsigeligt musikalsk udtryk - en blanding af noget helt konkret og komplet abstrakt, ved hjælp af beats og samples, såvel som syntetiske og organiske lyde.


Shitney was formed in 2015 with the purpose of creating new and uncompromising music on the boundary between the acoustic and the electric. In the beginning of 2017 they released their debut album, ‘Earth Core’, on ILK music after having toured and worked together intensely and in depth with their music and common expression for two years. 'Earth Core' consists of experimental improvisations using the album title as subject matter: an imaginary excavation of metals and chemical substances, physical laws and paradoxes. Sonically, the three members of Shitney are very familiar with each other, having criss-crossed in various musical constellations on the Copenhagen scene.

Shitney consists of Maria Faust (EE) on saxophone/effects, Katrine Amsler (DK) on keys, micro guitar and electrical drums, and Qarin Wikström (SE) on vocal, keys and effects - three women who all work on the edge of musical normality, in their individuel ways. Maria Faust is known for her large ensemble constellations, Maria Faust Jazz Catastrophe and Maria Faust Sacrum Facere, as well as several smaller improvisation ensembles, and has received a number of awards including a Danish Music Award and an Estonian Jazz Award. Katrine Amsler, who also works as a producer and sound designer, is the woman behind the innovative band Television Pickup and the solo project Tuba Dynamite. Qarin Wikström, like her two progressive band members, is engaged in a number of improvisational ensembles and also works as a contemporary dance composer and performer.

Together, Faust, Amsler and Wikström create an unpredictable musical expression and mix of something concrete and completely abstract, using beats and samples, as well as synthetic and organic sounds.

Lars Greve

Saxofonist, klarinetist og komponist. Udgav sit debut-soloalbum "Breidablik" i 2014, der blev hædret i førende magasiner verden over, og har været artist-in-residens i Danmark, Brasilien, Grønland og Tyskland. Solokoncerter på blandt andet Det Kongelige Teater i København, Danmarks Radios Koncertsal, Jazzhouse og ses ofte i internationale konstellationer med Sven-Åke Johansson (DE), Adam Rudolph (USA), Rabotnik (BA), Zeena Parkins (USA), Masabumi Kikuchi (JP) og mange andre. Medlem af den prisvindende gruppe Girls in Airports, som har udgivet fire albums og turneret i Brasilien, USA, Kina, Hong Kong og hele Europa. Sideman på mere end 50 værker i forskellige konstellationer og betagnes som "en af ​​de mest indflydelsesrige jazzmusikere "af bloggen


Saxophonist, clarinetist and composer. Released his debut solo album "Breidablik" in 2014, which was award as album of the year in leading magazines world wide. Artist in residencies in Denmark, Brazil, Greenland and Germany. Has played solo concerts at The Royal Theater in Copenhagen, Danish Radios Concert Hall, Jazzhouse and a host of other prominent venues. International collaborations with Sven-Åke Johansson(DE), Adam Rudolph (US), Rabotnik (BA), Zeena Parkins (US), Masabumi Kikuchi (JP) and many others. Member of the award-winning group Girls in Airports, which has released four albums and toured in Brazil, USA, China, Hong Kong and all over Europe. Sideman on more than 50 records in various constellations and named as “one of the most influential jazz musicians” for these works by the blog
