EMP Legacy - Music & Sound Art
To mark the opening of Else Marie Pades Plads – the new public square in front of Radar - we’ve gathered a strong line-up of musicians and sound artists for an evening of celebration. All in the spirit of the legendary composer and electronic front-runner Else Marie Pade.
On stage you can look forward to music from two of the most exciting acts on the Danish electronic scene; Sofie Birch and Cristian Vogel, while the Danish composer HAUMAN will present her new sound installation “creeper” designed exclusively for Radar’s 16-channel audio canvas speaker system and builded on field recordings from Radar.
The evening will start with an open-air sound installation next to the public square by sound artists Tobias Sejersdahl & Sophia Sagaradze from the newly started shared working space ALF – Aarhus Lydforening.
ALF acts as a hub for creative ideas and a sustainable environment with shared equipment for working on surround sound systems (3D), electronic compositions, sound art, installations, experimental music, and interactive art in Aarhus. This evening, Sejersdahl and Sagaradze will be synthesizing real life objects and diffusing them in multiple speakers, in order to create an engaging sound environment where both deep listening and relaxation are possible.
6.30 pm: Free sound installation: Sagaradze///////////Sejersdahl
7.30 pm: Hauman presents “creeper” on AUDIO CANVAS
9.00 pm: Concert: Sofie Birch
10.00 pm: Concert: Cristian Vogel
EMP Legacy - Music & Sound Art are supported by Music City Aarhus 2022 and KODA Kultur.

Sofie Birch
Weaving together improvisational use of electronic hardware, with a nurturing sense of harmonious curiosity, serene plateaus of sound patiently emerge from the musical practice of Sofie Birch.
With a profound interest in the healing nature of sound and vibrations, her music contains the potential of opening channels to states of dream-like perception and alleviated presence. The ability to dissolve notions of temporal familiarity and gravitational orientation encapsulates the mind of the listener, allowing consciousness to branch out into an alchemical biosphere. Yet the unpredictable experimentation of her engagement with sound, surroundings, and field recordings makes each work a unique expression of imagination.

Cristian Vogel
Cristian Vogel is a long-term innovator in the composition, mixing and performance of electronic sounds. His independent career in advanced music and audio technology has won prizes and awards, establishing him as an outstanding influence in the field of audio composition for stage, club culture and studio. He has remixed music for Radiohead, The Young Gods, Else Marie Pade and many others.
He continues to compose, remix and produce technological music and multimedia art for a dedicated fan base and special commissions. His larger scale works and smaller multichannel pieces have been performed at some of the most prestigious venues in Europe, such as ZKM Karlsruhe, Berlin Philharmonie and the Royal Danish Academy of Music. His most recent releases are Rebirth Of Wonky (Endless Process 2021) and 1Zhuayo (Mille Plateaux 2022)
Born in Chile, he has lived in Brighton, Barcelona, Berlin and Geneva and is currently living in Copenhagen where he continues to innovate technological music and sound at his studio, NeverEngine Labs and label Endless Process.

HAUMAN "creeper"
“creeper” is a new sound installation created by the Danish composer and sound artist hauman, whose compositional style is inspired by mythology and magical realism.
The piece is designed exclusively for Radar’s 16-channel audio canvas speaker system and builds on field recordings from Radar.
The composition seeks to stage and transform the listener’s experience of the natural ambiance at Radar, and hereby create a magical illusion of a creeping plant growing out of the speakers.
“creeper” is the botanical term for a twining plant, but the word also holds sinister and uncomfortable connotations. The plant may seem like an inconspicuous curiosity at first, but gradually it becomes clear that the plant is aggressive and intents to destroy the entire space.
The piece accordingly creeps in on the listener, and it seeks to explore the boarder between what is considered valuable aesthetics as opposed to destructive noise.

Performing artists Tobias Sejersdahl & Sophia Sagaradze from ALF - Aarhus Lydforening are synthesizing real life objects and diffusing them in multiple speakers, in order to create an engaging sound environment where both deep listening and relaxation are possible.