I Radars foyer, entré og publikumstoiletter er installeret et avanceret højttalersystem. AUDIO CANVAS, som systemet er døbt, har 16 individuelle kanaler og er koblet op på CAVI’s specialudviklede computerprogram Sound-o-Matic, der gør det muligt at komponere en unik tredimensionel lydkulisse, der udvider og intensiverer koncertoplevelsen.
Anvendelsen af Audio Canvas foregår i tre spor. Først og fremmest anvendes det i det daglige, hvor stereo-output fra front-of-house sendes ud i alle højttalerne, så publikum sikres ikke at "misse" noget af koncerten, hvad enten de skal på toilettet eller befinder sig i entreen og skal hente noget i deres jakke. Derudover tilbydes alle musikere/bands/artister at levere en lyddesign, hvad enten det er skræddersyet i Sound-o-matic eller som stereo-spor, som fungerer som lydtæppe før, under og efter koncerten. Det er med til at skabe udvidende auditive koncertoplevelser, og aktiverer publikum til at bevæge sig rundt på vores venue og i al almindelighed undres. Sidst men ikke mindst, bestiller Radar specialkomponerede værker hos lydkunstnere og artister.
Indtil videre har 5 komponister skabt specialkomponerede værker til Audio Canvas:
Komponist / Titel / Premiere
- Henrik Munch / (Ingen Titel) / 2014
- Filip Ja / MTI / 2015
- John Drever / Dan Dryer Project / 2016
- Knud Romer / "Hvad laver jeg her?" / 2017
- Merlyn Silva / OUTSIDES INSIDE / 2019
Desuden havde Radar i april 2021 et open call, hvor vi modtog flere værker. Følgende kunstneres værker blev udalgt og vil kunne opleves på Radar i foråret 2022:
- Hauman / creeper / 2022
- Sounddesign duo Thomas Thomsen/Frederik La Cour.
John Drever / Dan Dryer Project / Juni 2016
98 voices emulating/mimicking/impersonating/singing/sounding Denmark’s Dan Dryer, Turbo Design model.
A participative and creative approach that contributes to an ongoing study into the noise effects of ultra-fast hand dryers on users with sensitive hearing and special auditory needs, such as children, older people, tinnitus and hyperacusis sufferers. Hearing models used in design and legislation are predicated on the notion of a healthy person aged between 18 to 25 years. What about the hearing of an 8 year old child on the autistic spectrum or a partially sighted hearing aid user in their 70s? In ayre #2[Dan Dryer] you can hear a wide range of voices from a 2 year old child to older people in their 80s. In such projects Drever seeks for a greater consciousness of aural diversity, a departure from our default understanding of an idealised, perfect hearing, a model of hearing that he calls the auraltypical.
Thanks to Radar, Godsbanen and Aarhus University. And special thanks to all those who contributed their voices including Class 1.B at Rosenvangsskolen, Aarhus and St Barnabas Choir, Dulwich, London.
Knud Romer / "Hvad laver jeg her?" / Oktober 2017
I oktober 2017 tog Knud Romer (f. 1960) til garagerockkoncert med Baby Woodrose. Den kom der teksten "Hvad fanden laver jeg her?" ud af som efterfølgende er indspillet af Robert Skovmose og afspilles under udvalgte koncerter.
Inside’s Outside is a fixed-media, multichannel sound installation investigating the codification of privacy and intimacy in contemporary Danish society. Through a process of sound archaeology, anonymous interview and field recording, the work seeks to investigate and question the evolving meaning of ‘personal space’ in our increasingly self-mediated and commodified daily lives.
While the architecture and social function of a music venue like Radar provides a clear foundation of meaning to the piece (the intimately subjective experience of music, enjoyed within a public and socialised location), the placement of the AudioCanvass in Radar’s open-plan and unisex toilets offers the chance to appreciate and even celebrate society’s current enthusiasm in breaking down the hitherto insurmountable barriers of meaning and physicality between genders and sexes in public.
As our culture rushes to rid itself of the gender segregation, body-shaming and prudeness of eras past, Inside’s Outside asks whether there is any longer a need or place for private physical space in our society, and if so, what form it should take. Has progress and technology freed us, or just presented us with a new set of taboos? In mediating ourselves into airbrushed übermenschen through social media, do we value our offline privacy in the same way we used to? And when my desire for freedom oversteps your need for privacy, how does the architecture and acoustic profile of a public space serve to negotiate a compromise?
Vi oplever stor interesse for installationen blandt musikere og lydkunstnere, og inviterer løbende kunstnere til at skabe yderligere værker. Kontakt os endelig hvis du har en ide til anvendelse af Audio Canvas.
kontakt (at) radarlive.dk // 8676 0344

Together with sound designer Thomas Thomsen we have set up three Max for Live devices to help you set up a session in Abletone Live for Radars speaker system Audiocanvas. You can download the guides as pdf below or follow the video guide.
Setting up session with AllOut
The simplest of the three Max for Live devices is All Out. All Out allows you to output audio to one or more speakers in Radars 16 channel speaker system Audiocanvas in a static way. That means that sound can’t be moved but only placed in the speakers
Setting up session with Placer
Placer allows you to place and move a sound source in Radars 16 channel speaker system Audiocanvas. Placer allows you to place a sound directly in a speaker or between two or more speaker and move a sound between the 16 speakers in any way you would want through premade routes or through custom drawn routes
Setting up session with Splitter
Splitter is a Max for Live device that allows you to split an incoming sound into 6 different frequency bands with each band by outputted to a specific speaker either via static placement or via a step sequencer. Splitter allows you to create atomized spatial sounds that exist through the speakers rather than in the speakers.
Download templates for the three Max for Live devices from Dropbox
Follow the guide below to set up a session using AllOut, Placer or Splitter. You can find all the videos on Youtube HERE.